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HVAC Systems

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BBJ Solutions for the HVAC Systems Market

Get cleaner, mold and odor free air and more efficient HVAC systems.

With mold and mildew all around us, keeping HVAC systems free of it can be a challenge. However mold, mildew and odor control in HVAC systems is vitality important to health and well being, especially the very young, old or those with environmental or respiratory illnesses. That’s why as a professional HVAC contractor, the solutions you use need to be specifically engineered and EPA registered for use in HVAC system.

By their nature, HVAC systems create a lot of moisture during the cooling and de-humidification process and this can cause problems with mold, mildew and odor – AKA dirty sock syndrome. This can lead not only to health risks but also a loss of efficiency in the HVAC system due to dirty HVAC coils. BBJ commercial HVAC supplies are the solution.

Our EPA registered HVAC mold, mildew and bacterial control solutions are specifically designed for easy use and long terms results in managing mold, mildew and odor in HVAC systems. 

If left un-managed microorganisms in the HVAC system can also create some serious health issues including flare-ups for those with allergies and asthma as well as dizziness, nausea and more. In fact the EPA ranks indoor air quality (IAQ) as one of the top five environmental threats to our health.

BBJ develops a variety of EPA registered  solutions specifically designed to help manage and control the growth of mold, mildew and other contaminants in your indoor air system.

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