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Results indicate that BBJ Environmental Solutions were very efficient in rapidly restoring the areas back to acceptable and above levels for normal living and eating standards.Joseph Murphy, IAQ Coordinator - Lee County SchoolsApplications
I got some question for your mold removal and prevention product, that would be very appreciated if you can help.
1. What situation should apply the ”BBJ MMR II Mold & Mildew Remover/Disinfectant” ?
2. After ”BBJ Mold Control for Floors and Walls” has done the job, should we apply any solution to prevention the mold grow again?
3. How long can the ”BBJ Mold Control for Floors and Walls” and BBJ Mold Control for HVAC Systems and Air Ducts last for to protect the molded-area?
4. Does ”BBJ MMR II Mold & Mildew Remover/Disinfectant” can potentially causes discolor of upholstery, wall or wall paper?
5. Are they all biodegradeable?
6. Can ”BBJ Mold Control for HVAC Systems and Air Ducts” apply independently without using ”BBJ Power Coil Clean” ?
T&T Home Detailed Cleaning Center
Hi Tim,
I know in a later post you mentioned you had put these in the wrong forum, but these are great questions and should be answered. so here goes.
1. MMR-II is a broad spectrum disinfectant for use in a variety of situations. If this is a flood situation then follow guidelines, like IICRC guidelines that identify what to do. Generally speaking though, all flood water would be considered hazardous and require the application of of a disinfectant. If this is a mold remediation issues, than after you have identified the source of the moisture, application of MMR-II would be done to kill and of the mold on the non porous surface and clean that surface. Please read the label carefully.
2. BBJ Mold Control for floors and surfaces is applied after you have killed and cleaned with MMR-II. Assuming you have fixed the core issue related to whatever is producing excess moisture, then you apply mold control. This will inhibit the growth of mold for up to two years, but we recommend reviewing the area frequently to identify if more cleaning is required.
3. They can both control mold for up to two years, but again periodic review of the area and re application may be required.
4. No, the product does no cause discoloration. However, testing of an inconspicuous area is always advised. Just a note though. you mention upholstery. MMR-II is designed for use on hard, non porous surfaces.
5. Yes, they are all biodegradable. Information regarding disposal is on the label. Please review carefully.
6. Yes, it can be applied independently, however we do recommend that the surface be cleaned prior to application.
Hopefully that provides some detailed answers to your questions.
I am so happy to read this. Great prevention is always necessary to the electronic goods…. Checking your HVAC for maintenance is very important specially every summer. This will help us keeping our home in a comfortable temperature……